Recent News, Webinars and Announcements

26/01/2021 at 11:00am

HAYS: Covid-19, Brexit, Economic Uncertainty -  What does it mean for Employment?

Find out by registering for our webinar on Tuesday 26th January at 11:00am

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LATAM Report and 'Global Outlook' Service - Launching 1st February 2021 - Baker Ing International


I am pleased to advise the members of Lets Talk Credit of a new Baker Ing International client service. We are launching ‘Global Outlook’ which is a free of charge and value add client upgrade (also available to all subscribed Lets Talk Credit members). 

‘Global Outlook’ Provides:

Quarterly Updated Economic Reports (generic) for EMEA/ APAC/ LATAM and the US

Bi-Annual Industry & Sector Specific Economic Reports (Apparel, Telecommunications, Pharma and Media to be published in Q1 2021)

Interactive and One -on-One Client & Economist Consultation – this service will be delivered by our 6 newly appointed Economists and via booked Zoom appointment

We are pleased to offer this service as a response to the Pandemic and for International Credit Professionals to benefit; we believe all Order to Cash vendors and AR service providers should be enhancing their offering without cost. I attach below a ‘basic’ report link for LATAM Q4 and shall set up links to our Resources website Library for all members who wish to have full access to ‘Global Outlook’ at your notification.   Please do email with any requests for Username and Password set up with the person (s) company name, name and email address; my colleague Claire Goode, in copy, manages our Administration Department.

We always appreciate feedback on our services and please do ask members if there is certain information they would like to see included in both the generic reports and industry specific – I am sure we will be enhancing content ongoing as Professionals advise what information would prove helpful to them. 

Lisa Baker-Reynolds MCICM | Director |

Thursday 19th November 2020

The changing trade credit landscape - Experian Webinar

This year has, and continues to be, incredibly challenging for many businesses.

Trade creditors have had to adapt in order to successfully grant credit, collect money owed and ultimately survive. No one in this generation of credit control or collection teams has ever lived through a period where many of their customers had to press the pause button on their business for a lock down and survive through it.

While many businesses were able to survive on little or no revenue initially by cutting their costs to a minimum, many now face the challenge of the costs outweighing the revenue. But what does this mean for the trade credit market and how do you effectively manage your existing and new customers?

Join John Griffiths, Market Engagement Director, Credit & Risk and Philip Hale, Senior Product Manager, Business Information in this live webinar as we look at what’s changed, is changing – and will change across the trade credit landscape.

Onguard - Is your credit management futureproof?

Prepare for 2021 - Automate your Processes

How do you make your credit management future-proof? This is a question that many financial departments have to deal with, especially now amongst so much uncertainty. As a result, many companies are suffering from reduced cash flows because invoices remain untouched. The focus remains more on the pursuit of payments than on long-term growth.

Nowadays, a well-designed credit management process is crucial for the survival of your organisation, but what is required to make this happen? One thing is certain; data is key. For example, data helps you to lower your DSO and map out risks. Data makes processes more intelligent, giving the finance professional space to make more personalized customer relationships.

In our blog we give you some tips on how to make your credit management more future-proof. Use it to your advantage.

Make your credit management future-proof

Kind regards, Colin Sanders MCICM, Onguard

Latest economic trends and the impacts affecting your market - Experian Webinar - Tuesday 11th August at 2pm
 Please click on the link to register:
All sectors are operating in an uncertain and unpredictable environment.
Through our insight series:
• We take a considered look at the implications of the current economic turbulence - and where is most exposed to economic shock
• Using our unique breadth of data, we unpick the emerging challenges, and openly discuss the questions of the moment
• Review the impacts across sectors, regions and households, and what to expect in the months to come
1. Latest insights: Explain what the latest data means for our scenario forecasts and reviewing roadmap of getting the economy back to work and explore its implications
2. Regions and Sectors: Taking a closer look at the localized risks and sector/employment outlook
3. Households: How the economic climate will impact different types of households in terms of income and spend
Please click on the link to register:
Note: the webinar is 60 minutes, but factors in 15 minutes to allow for discussion during and following the insight sessions.
We will be hosting webinars each month. These webinars are only available live, and therefore we encourage you to sign up to listen and learn. Below is a schedule of all webinar dates.

Onguard: The impact of data-driven organisations on daily practice - Fintech Barometer May 2020 
Companies are collecting more information than ever before. Nevertheless, many companies are still unable to convert data from the various sources into information and, ultimately, insights. Data-driven organisations, however, are doing exactly this, and it’s making an enormous difference for these companies’ finance departments.
Onguard’s annual FinTech Barometer shows that 27% of financial professionals describe their organisation as being data-driven, and 7% even believe their company is completely data-driven. Over half (57%) of finance professionals state that their organisation will become so within three years. The biggest obstacles to creating a data-driven organisation are combining data from various internal and external
sources and gaining optimum value from it (40%) and the lack of expertise in data processes and analysis (36%). This whitepaper advises finance professionals on how they can help transform their company into a data-driven organisation, thereby enabling them to predict customer behaviour and reap the benefits of doing so.
Click on the below link to sign-up and download: -
Or click here for the pdf : -!ArSlva9jxk70g8lC2TOC_s0wKF0jAA

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